Get up, Lace up, Go run!

Most people hate Monday mornings because the weekend is over and you’re back on the grind at work. Another perspective, my perspective, is the polar opposite of this, meaning I LOVE Mondays, especially Monday mornings! It’s a fresh start to the week, a new page in my moleskin agenda, which I love so dearly, and an opportunity to set new goals both academically and physically for yourself. The cool breeze and fresh morning air at 6am on a Monday morning is IDEAL for getting up, lacing up and going running. I am a runner first, and lifter second (although my love for both is more or less equivalent), and there’s no better adrenaline rush than when my free runs hit the pavement. This week, I have (as per usual) set up my workout schedule, and written down both my short and long term goals to remind me of how far I’ve come and where I want to go.

“Goals are just dreams with deadlines.” – Diana Scharf

I recently upgraded to the new iPhone5 and am LOVING the camera on it as I am an avid fitness and all things health related photographer. This picture, taken with the vscocam app, captures the serenity of my morning.

One of the best parts of early morning runs through the suburbs is the amount of runners hitting the pavement, and their friendliness. As you pass one another, you exchange smiles, waves and even good mornings, which always seems to put a smile on my face minutes after these encounters.

Post-running, my favourite way to refuel is with the Superfood Mango and Banana Green Smoothie (recipe from one of my favourite clean eats blogs – I have slightly altered the recipe by adding chia seeds on top, which is a SUPERFOOD for runners. Ever since delving into the realm of green smoothies I truly believe these are the best way to start off your day – packed full of nutrients with a great taste and vibrant colours! Perfect for people on-the-go, like me! 🙂

Today is leg day, and morning runs really get me amped up for weight training at the gym later on in the day. My trainer definitely helped me with proper supplement knowledge to ensure I am training smart. To maintain lean muscle while losing fat it is crucial to take your BCAAs (especially if you are on a high protein, low carb diet). Pre-workouts are part of my lifting routine, and I take mine 15-30 minutes pre-weight training, and directly after my workout I have my protein shake + BCAA powder mixed in ready to go.

It’s another week, a fresh start, so love your body because it’s the only one you have, eat clean, and train insane.